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NoSGA HPR Open Field Trial - Aberarder 7 November 2022
Mr John Cullen’s GWP bitch, Mustwork Ula
1st Mr P Pearson’s GSP dog Stubblemere Fulmer.
(FT Ch Subject to KC confirmation)
2nd Mr Rory Major’s GWP bitch Beechwood Tonker
3rd N/A
4th N/A
COM Mrs W Shaw’s HV bitch Oroshaza Fiocchi of Dinnsearmor
Our Thanks to Aberarder Estate for allowing us to run our dogs on such good ground and our Judges Suzi Burton and Darryl Elliot.
Our chief Steward, Jane Harley and all the competitors for supporting the event.
Skinners dog food and Tuffies dog beds for sponsoring the event.

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