HPR Results 2023
NoSGA HPR Grouse Pointing Test Corriegarth - 4 April 2023
The North of Scotland Gundog Association ran a Grouse Pointing Test on Tuesday 4 April 2023 at Corriegarth Estate.
Many thanks to Mr H Fraser, Rab MacVarrie and his team for this fantastic opportunity.
On a dry, cold, and overcast day everyone still had smiles on their faces. Decent scenting conditions on a good southerly wind and a good spread of grouse throughout the day giving everyone an opportunity to find and point grouse. The dogs and handlers produced some impressive work to achieve their gradings.
Gradings - Juniors
Very Good
- Libby Welbourn running her GSP Kentwone Sapphire Aquarius ran a nice pattern into a head wind. Eventually coming onto point in some rank heather, asked to produce the dog did so and was steady to flush.
- Louise Janniche running her HWV Ventordream Michigan ran a nice flat pattern into the wind with pace and quickly came onto point producing a pair of grouse when asked. The dog was run on and pointed another pair, had an encounter with a hare and remained steady throughout.
Gradings - Adults
Very Good
- Stuart Symmers running his GSP Kinlochmhor Blae Berry ran in a cheek wind, ranging out some distance, coming onto point across a heather hollow it produced a pair of grouse and remained steady.
- Katrina Wilkinson running her GSP Zarozinia Sidh Chailleann ran a nice flat pattern ranging out some distance on a cheek wind. Coming onto point and asked to produce, a cock bird, which lifted, and the dog remained steady. When asked to work it out, a hen bird lifted and the dog was steady.
- Darryl Elliot running his GSP Islasbraw Ash ran a very nice flat pattern into the wind ranging wide on both flanks. Coming onto point it produced a pair of grouse and remained steady throughout.
- Jane Harley running her GWP Tomduchallan Merkel ran well and ranged out some distance but had a blank first run. Brought back for a second run it quickly found and pointed a pair of grouse and remained steady.
- John Tulloch running his HV Nagyalfloldi Vadasz Fecske ran well on a cheek wind, ranging out some distance with pace. Coming onto point and when asked to produce a single bird that was sitting very tight was flushed. The dog remained steady to flush.